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Wednesday 5 December 2012

Love Thyself!

‘Love thyself’ was what I’d heard
And then within me some emotions stirred.

I started with vanity and the mirror was my friend
Even the slightest obstruction then, became a fiend.

The fingers tossed the hair by opening a bun
And each strand of hair got individual attention.

The eyes fluttered like never before
And the nose was brushed for opening every pore.

The lips went into a pout and the neck craned
Showing my collar bones and nerves a bit strained.

And I moved from left to right to check the best suited profile
But clicking snaps just that way was considered to be vile.

For jealous is the world of outer beauty
And somehow considers holy worshipping inner beauty.

I told myself, “It’s not a paunch
I just had dinner”, I was staunch.

My legs are thinner (when compared to hers)
I convinced myself in a sentence pretty terse.

“And Oh my fingers look pretty when painted
The broken and chipped nails leave it tainted”…

Well, intelligent I am, do you know not?
I remember the ABCD’s that long ago were taught.

And I am neither silly nor sissy like her, boss!
Who got back to her ex by keeping the same reply to either side of the toss.

O beauty with brains personified is me
Do I need to clarify? Do you not see?

My smile is the prettiest, it glitters my eyes
It’s the most enduring thing. It never dies.

Have you seen me dance? I wriggle and gyrate so well!
Item numbers are such a waste… Watch me revel!

No one matches up to me someone really special I want.
O I’m so perfect! Just one on the shelf…
And immediately someone came and said, “Great! Go F*** yourself!”

For Once...

Go out without putting on some sunscreen for once – UV rays never killed anyone in a day…

Tie your hair in a bun for once – open hair never guaranteed any liberation ever…

Mute your thoughts and listen to the random sounds around for once – will add up to your self-made playlist…

Don’t worry about your outfits for once – wear what you’re most comfortable in…

Let squinted eyes replace glares for once – wearing (rose)-tinted glasses has its own share of shortcomings…

Allow yourself to enjoy your company for once – often, get-togethers can make you feel left out too…

Let the breeze stroll by you for once – why else did we seek the pleasure of a topless car for?...

For all the happiness, if pessimism wallows inside you, for once – stand up and question its shallowness…

We spend too much time worrying about ourselves – for once, let’s spend as much time worrying less…

Clear your doubts and speak up your mind for once – let yourself be at peace with yourself…

Clean sweep!

Any new broom is like first love
It seems it'll sweep (you) at the first sight
But all it leaves is a lot of mess...

It has some flaws and well, who does not?
'It's just a matter of time', you tell yourself (but it's not)

So hard you try to keep it low
And make random movements - some fast, some slow.

But now you know not how it was - cleaner or dirtier before it came
This confusion thus leads you to decide it was pretty much the same...

Gradually you get a hang of it
And life seems easier to deal with it.

But slowly it seems too dreary to carry on
For it's losing its sticks, it has gone gaunt.

And that's when the idea of a new broom comes
But procrastination is the word & all act like bums!

So after a while when you ring out the old, and (b)ring in the new...
You know it will last long for days too few
Because it'll have its own share of drawbacks
So meagre the use and more the whacks!

'This is how it'll be', is what you accept 
You've woken up with and so have you slept

But mind you, be careful for that first sweep
Is never too easy and at least once you weep.
Thus never refrain from first love even if it's a doom
Though be wary 'cuz a broom is nothing but a blend of a bride and a groom!